I’ve put together this colossal markers guide for you. I share a wealth of information on best markers for drawing, sketching and illustrations.

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A comprehensive guide to Copic Markers, Dry Erase Makers, Fabric Markers, markers to use in Adult Coloring books and Paint Markers and more.
Looking for something specific? See our table of contents below.
Editor’s Note: This post was last updated on 5 Jan 2019.
Table Of Contents
- The Complete Guide To Copic Markers
- What Are Copic Markers?
- Different Types Of Copic Markers
- Understanding the Copic Marker Color System
- Copic Markers Are Reusable
- How to refill your copic marker
- Why Are Copic Markers So Expensive?
- Features of Copic Markers Sets
- What Are the Best Copic Markers for beginners?
- What is the best way to store Copic Markers?
- Commonly Asked Questions About Copics
- What are Fabric Markers?
- What can Fabric Markers be used for?
- Why use a fabric marker and not just a permanent marker?
- Factors To Consider When Choosing Fabrics For Your Marker
- How to Use A Fabric Marker
- What can different marker tips do?
- Exciting Effects Using Fabric Markers
- Caring for your Fabric Marker designs
- What are the best Fabric Markers?
- What are the best Watercolor Markers?
- What Are The Best Paint Markers For Different Art Mediums?
- What Are The Best Markers For Canvas?
- What Are Dry Erase Markers?
- Factors to consider in best dry erase markers
- What surfaces can a Dry Erase Marker be used on?
- What marker tips are best to use for writing and drawing?
- Best Dry Erase Markers Overview
- What Are The Best Markers For Adult Coloring Books
- Which Markers Are Best For Coloring Mandalas?
- What Are The Best Brush Pens For Your Crafty Projects?
- What Are The Best Chalk Markers?
The Complete Guide To Copic Markers
Do you like drawing? If you ask most people this, they will say yes. So they should, drawing is an enjoyable pastime. There are many different instruments you can draw with. From a gray lead pencil to a thick permanent marker. If you are looking for the best markers for drawing, you’ve come to the right place.
Let us ask you a question. Are you an artist, who uses markers on a regular basis? Well, it might be your staple medium. The primary instrument you use to create your masterpieces. Now that is all good and well, but for you marker users out there, you might face a problem.
Let’s face it; you are not five anymore. No doubt you used thick, chubby markers in your childhood. They are great for drawing simple pictures. For example, stick figure versions of your family, drawings of your house and friends. However, you are not five anymore, are you?
Your world is a lot more complicated and varied than the simple one of your five-year-old mind. So, it is only natural that your drawings should reflect that. In turn, you are beginning to think that it was time for a slight upgrade. For example, something that’s more versatile and suited to your complicated masterpieces.
That is great! However, unfortunately, these are only thoughts in your head. It will take a little work to make your ideas come to life. So, like most of us, you fire up the computer and begin to scour the internet, looking for the markers of your dreams.
Now I do not know about you, but the vastness of the internet, and lack of helpful, comprehensive resources. It makes my head explode! This always seems to happen; it makes me want to scream. “Why on earth hasn’t someone created a helpful resource?”
For your sake, please don’t follow my example, and get all hot and bothered. I realized that others might have the same problems of finding the best markers for drawing. That made me all the more determined to fix it once and for all.
So, after hours of searching online, and scouring through who knows how many resources. I present to you, The Complete Guide To Copic Markers!
May the problem of never being able to find suitable tools for your drawings disappear forever.
What Are Copic Markers?
Copic Markers are a specific type of drawing marker. They are highly recommended as the best illustration markers for artists.
They were first developed for the Japanese manga industry. By the Too Corporation back in 1987.
They were first created for fine art and design. Then the Japanese comic industry (Manga & Anime) began using the products.
Copic markers are alcohol-based with high quality permanent, non-toxic, acid-free ink.
The alcohol used in the marker is ethanol which is manufactured from plants. No animal products are used in the production process.
They are also environmentally friendly as they can be refilled. So no need to throw the plastic barrels away.
They are very popular with crafters and artists. This is because they produce pretty smooth and easy-to-blend colors.
Copics are the best markers for artists who are looking for great pigmented ink that lays down well. Not to mention markers with fantastic blending capabilities!
Different Types Of Copic Markers
Now, as with many, if not all markers and other drawing instruments, Copics come in different types. To get the most out of them, and to make sure they make your art the very best it can be. It’s essential to be well informed on the types and the differences between them.
Another reason to be well informed is when you make a purchase, you do not risk buying the wrong type. Which, as many people have discovered, is very important. They do say learn from other’s mistakes! Also, each kind is suited to a specific use.
The most popular in the crafting industry is the Copic “sketch” marker. Crafters love these due to their flat oval shape, which means they do not roll off the table. They have two tips–a medium sized chisel for tight control and a brush-like tip.
There are four different main types of Copic markers. They are all listed here, with a description, their features and what use they are best suited to.
To start you off here is a handy infographic explaining the basics, and we get more in-depth down below.
Different Types Of Copic Markers – The Basics
Copic Classic
As the name suggests, Copic Classic is the classic Copic marker, the first design, and product that was created. It is a Copic marker that is quite basic, but like the others, it is of exceptional quality. It looks like most markers you have probably seen in your life, with two nibs for drawing, one on each end of the pen.
There is a broad tip on one side, and a fine tip on the other. This is an excellent setup because it is two in one, saving you space in your drawing kit.
Best Suited For: Copic Classic is quite versatile, but it is a basic marker. It is best suited to basic drawings, avoid them if you wish to do complex pieces. They are suitable for Quilters, Scrapbookers, and journaling and mixed media arts.
Color Options: Available in 214 colors
Copic Airbrush System Compatible: YES
Shape: Double-sided square barrel
Refills: 9 refills from one Various Ink bottle
Nibs included: Broad nib on one side and a fine nib on the other.
Nib options: Brush nib, Standard Fine nib, Standard Broad nib, Semi Broad nib, Soft Broad nib, Super Fine nib, Round nib, Calligraphy 3 mm nib and Calligraphy 5 mm nib
Copic Sketch
This marker is the most popular style. It is a favorite with professional artists and crafters alike. Again with two nibs, one a medium broad nib and the other a super brush nib.
Best Suited For: Fine art, Coloring large areas, Airbrushing, Rubber stamping, Mixed media arts, and Calligraphy.
Color Options: All 358 available colors
Copic Airbrush System Compatible: YES
Shape: Oval-barreled
Refills: 12 refills from one various ink bottle
Nibs included: Medium broad nib and super brush nib.
Nib options (Currently, Only 3 Are Available For Copic Sketch): Super Brush, Medium Broad, and Medium Round
Copic Ciao
These are similar to the Copic Sketch, in that they have two nibs, one end a medium broad chisel nib and at the other end a super brush nib. A more economical option than Sketch but still providing excellent quality. The cap is child-safe with little air holes.
Best Suited For: Fine Art, Coloring Large Areas, Airbrushing, Rubber stamping, Mixed Media Arts, and Calligraphy.
Color Options: 180
Copic Airbrush System Compatible: NO
Shape: Cylindrical
Refills: 15 refills from one various ink bottle
Nibs Included: Medium broad chisel nib and super brush nib.
Nib options (Currently, Only 2 Are Available For Copic Ciao): Super Brush, Medium Broad
Copic Wide
Named as they could be described, Copic Wide have a very wide tip. It measures 3/4″. Great for coloring large areas with consistent strokes.
Best Suited For: Backgrounds and coloring large areas.
Color Options: 36
Copic Airbrush System Compatible: NO
Shape: Flat barrel
Refills: 7 refills from one Various Ink bottle
Nibs included: 3/4″ wide nib.
Nib options: 18mm and Broad calligraphy
Inspirational Artists to Follow On Instagram
We’ve featured the fantastic artwork that fabulous artists create in this post. Follow them and find inspiration!
We hope you find someone’s art you love, and make sure you follow these talented artists! Show them your support, and get a colorful Instagram feed into the bargain. We have featured many more creative artists like these in our Top 100 Drawing Bloggers post. Take a look.
Copic Color System
There are letters and numbers on the caps of the Copic Classic and Sketch and stamped on the body of the Ciao and Wide.
It is essential to understand what these letters and numbers mean. Of course, having a color name may give you some sign of the color, for example, Holiday Blue. But not how dark, light, or bright the color is.
There are four distinct elements to the code system. Starting with the Color Family (Hue). Then followed by the saturation number, and the brightness number. Underneath this code, you’ll find the color name.
It is important to note that the letters refer to the color family. The 1st digit is the saturation number and the second digit is the brightness number.
You read the code as YG six seven, not YG sixty-seven.
YG refers to the color family, in this case, YG stands for Yellow Green.
Six refers to the color’s saturation level or purity of the color. A low saturation number indicates a higher degree of color saturation. This means a more vivid or intense color. A high saturation number suggests a less saturated color. This means the colors will appear dull or washed-out when compared to the lower numbers.
Seven refers to the brightness number. This tells you the lightness or darkness of the color. The lower the number, the lighter the ink will be, the higher the number, the darker the ink will be.
The Color Name is the name given to the unique combination of the other three elements of the code. The color family or hue, saturation, and brightness.
This is the name given to the unique combination of hue, saturation, and brightness a color represents. From Pale Chiffon to Mellow Peach, there’s a fantastic array of colors and their names. (There’s 358 colors in total!)
This Hamster eating Pizza by Sandy Allcock is soooo adorable…
Copic Markers Are Reusable!
News Flash! Despite what you might think, and what others might think, Copics Are Reusable!
Let me repeat that, Copics Are Reusable! It is crucial, make sure you commit it to memory!
We’ve saved you time and money by telling you this. Why? Well, there is no point in buying multiples of the same color, as they are refillable! This will save you money, and in turn, time spent searching for new ones to buy. Another reason why Copics are considered the best markers for artists.
How to refill your Copic Marker
The beauty of Copics is that you can refill them with the company’s ‘Various Ink’ refills. Along with the refill, a booster needle is included.
All Copics can be refilled using the ‘Drip Method.’ This method involves uncapping both ends of the marker; this avoids air bubbles. Holding the pen at an angle and dripping the Various Ink onto the broad nib, one drop at a time. In most cases, it takes between 20 and 30 drops to fill a dry marker. You need to to check fullness every few drops.
Users have found when refilling they sometimes have some of the ink leaks over the marker. Go slow and be careful. If there is excess ink, dab it with a tissue and clean any spills with rubbing alcohol.
Another way to refill your marker is to remove the nib and refill. Only remove the chisel nib and not the brush tip nib. This is important because the brush tip is made of two pieces of felt and it could be damaged if you remove it.
The Booster method is another way to refill your marker. Using the needle that comes with the ink, attach it directly to the ink bottle. Then remove the chisel nib. Remember, the golden rule is not to remove the brush nib. Place the needle inside the barrel and squeeze out ink until the desired amount is reached.
An important tip – it is better to underfill than to overfill.
Copic Classic takes 2-3cc’s of ink
Copic Sketch takes 2 cc’s of ink
Copic Ciao takes 1 -1/1/2 cc’s of ink
Copic Wide takes 3-4 cc’s of ink
Why Are Copic Markers So Expensive?
Purchasing Copics is an investment as they are pricey. The fact is they are exceptional quality and have been manufactured for over 30 years! They are the choice marker of professional artists.
They are famous for their smooth application, the colors blend well, and the ink doesn’t bleed, They provide the coverage of paint with the accuracy and convenience of colored pencils.
The best place to buy copic markers online is through Amazon and Dick Blick, particularly when they have a sale
What Are the Best Copic Markers for beginners?
A couple of questions you need to ask yourself is –
How much are you willing to spend?
What will you be using your Copics for?
Many top crafters and artists say that beginning with a set of 12 is a good start.
If your budget allows buying a larger amount they recommend going with the sets of 36 or 72.
Copic Ciao is a more affordable option when first starting. But as they are smaller, they run out of ink more quickly, so will need to be refilled more often. As mentioned above, they don’t have the color code on the cap. On the plus side, they are available in 180 different colors!
If you are interested in drawing comic characters Drawing with Jazza has a great video on where to start.
Check out his video for why and what he recommends in starting with Copic Markers.
It is amazing what you can do with only 12!!
Primary Colors: R29 Lipstick Red B24 Sky G05 Emerald Green C17 Golden Yellow
Skin Tones: E21 Baby Skin Pink E11 Barley Beige E13 Light Suntan E57 Light Walnut
Grey Tones: C6 Cool Grey C8 Cool Grey N3 Neutral Grey N5 Neutral Grey
Michelle Houghton who is a well-renowned paper card/scrapbooking crafter recommends investing in 36 Copics, to begin with.
B00, B02, B04 (beautiful sky blues)
BG11, BG13, BG18 (mint greens) OR BG72, BG75, BG78 (sea greens)
BV00, BV02, BV04 OR BV11, BV13, BV17 (both reasonably similar blue-violet series)
V12, V15, V17 (pretty purples)
G21, G24, G28 (nice rich greens)
YG11, YG13, YG17 (grass greens)
Y11, Y15, Y19 (bright yellows)
YR04, YR07, YR09 (oranges)
R22, R24, R29 (the must have set of reds)
RV63, RV66, RV69 (raspberry pinks–this is a total preference ) OR RV21, RV23, RV25 (if you prefer bubble gum pinks)
E33, E35, E37 (this is a great starter set of Earth tones or browns)
E25, E27, E29, E00, E02 (the standard for skin tones–but there are TONS of options)
N1 (just to have one gray for simple shadows and edging images)
Plus a Colorless Blender number 37
Read more of Michelle’s article here.
A Copic Markers paper crafting educator recommend these as a starting combination. This selection would be for those who have a bigger budget. 60 Copic markers would be a real investment, to begin with, and you would want to be very serious about using them regularly.
R32, R35, R37 (real red)
B21, B23, B26 (bright blue)
G12, G14, G16 (grass green)
Y11, Y15, Y17 (sunny yellow)
Expanded Color Palette:
R81, R83, R85 (pink-red combo)
B000, B01, B04 (teal blue)
YG11, YG13, YG17 (bright green)
Y00, Y02, Y08 (rich yellow)
N1, N3, N5 (neutral gray)
E11, E13, E15 (reddish brown)
E40, E42, E44 (darker brown)
E51, E53, E55 (tan)
Light Brights
V12, V15, V17 (bright purple)
YG21, YG23, YG25 (lime green)
Y32, Y35, Y38 (yellow-orange)
YR61, YR65, YR68 (bright tangerine)
B91, B93, B95 (soft country blue)
V91, V93, V95 (muted lavender)
Y21, Y26, Y28 (straw)
E71, E74, E77 (dark, weathered wood)
For beautiful video tutorials on using Copic markers with card making, head on over to The Daily Marker.
Best Way To Store Copic Markers
With the money you have invested, you will want to make sure you keep them in the best condition possible.
The main thing to make sure of is that the caps are snapped shut wholly/tight when not in use.
Whether you store them flat or vertically, it does not matter.
Sandy Allnock’s video on Copic Marker storage solutions that her followers shared with her is fantastic! Sandy also steps you through what she uses for her set of 358 Copics. Yes!! She has the whole set of colors 🙂
Features of Copic Markers Sets
- Available in 358 colors
- Copic also sells empty barrels with tips so you can make your custom colors by mixing their various inks. Copic Markers are available in 4 different types.
- The alcohol-based ink is refillable
- The nibs of the markers are also replaceable should they become used or damaged.
- The labeling on the side of the markers is embossed so will not rub off.
- They have a fantastic shelf life! Copic guarantees a 3-year shelf-life for their markers.
- The color consistency of the ink is exceptional. The colors you use will always match and color smoothly.
- The ink is free of harmful chemicals and overwhelming odors
- Say goodbye to tearing up paper as you try to blend colors. The alcohol-based ink formula of Copic markers makes blending on paper a breeze.
- Perfect for paper-crafting projects due to the acid-free nature of the ink when the alcohol evaporates.
- Copic Original and Copic Sketch work seamlessly with the Copic Airbrush System.
Commonly Asked Questions About Copic Markers
I live in hot, humid Mexico, will the warm weather effect my markers?
The good news is that the caps are completely airtight. If the caps are sealed tightly, they can be put in water or left out in the sun and will not dry out. As long as you do not leave them for a long time exposed to the sun, you will find yours will work perfectly well.
I’ve spent so many hours creating my masterpiece, will the ink fade over time?
Direct sunlight or bright lights will eventually fade the ink. Best thing to do is protect your masterpiece with a protective sheet or UV coated glass.
I realize that I can use paper with my markers but what other surfaces do they work on? I am keen to try them on a quilt I’ve made.
Great question! Crafters and artists have had great success with all sorts of surfaces. From wood and leather to faux fur and plastic. Many quilters have got lovely effects using their markers on their quilting fabrics. You would need to be careful with washing them, however, as some colors will bleed. If using your quilt as a wall hanging, be sure to keep out of direct sunlight or bright lights.
Can I use colored pencils and watercolors with my markers?
Absolutely! Use these extra media options after you’ve finished working with your markers.
Can I use other brands of alcohol-based markers together with my Copics?
The beauty of Copics is that they are designed to blend smoothly. If you working with another brand of marker, you will not get the same smoothness. You could be at risk of discoloring your tips with other marker inks.
Will the marker tips get other color inks on them when blending?
Copics are designed to work together, and so different inks will not ruin them.
How long can I expect the marker to last before I have to refill it?
As you’ve probably noticed some papers suck up the ink more than others. Ciao is smaller and holds less ink than the Classic or Sketch so it would run out of ink more quickly. If you do a lot of large sections of coloring, like in a landscape, the ink will get used up more.
Best Alternative For Copic Markers
Copic Markers are expensive. But they are so worth the investment if your budget stretches to these! If for the moment they are a little beyond what you can spend, don’t worry! There are plenty of excellent quality alcohol ink based markers available.
Youtuber Baylee Rae reviewed six alcohol based marker alternatives for Copics in her super popular video. In her review, she talks about these brands Touch Twin Brush Markers, Tria Markers, Mepxy Brush Markers, Prismacolor Premier Markers, Fine Color Markers and the Spectrum Noir Markers.
If you haven’t got the time right now to watch this informative video, here is a summary
Best Alternative For Copic Markers Video Review by Baylee Rae
Touch Twin Brush
-Ink is refillable
– 204 different colors
– Nibs are replaceable
– Ink is great quality
– Cap text is too small to read and not printed clearly
– Square barrel that is good quality but hard to tell which end has the nib
– Flexible brush tip that comes to a fine point (Make sure to get the brush nib option that comes in a white barrel)
– She found these to be the most like Copics and excellent quality
Click to Learn More/Buy from Amazon
No products found.– 192 different colors
– Not refillable and nibs not replaceable
– Dual-ended but no brush nib which is limiting.
– Good ink but seems less pigmented
– Unnecessary text on cap that takes up too much room
– Nice quality round barrel but rolls off desk.
– Not widely available but very economical
– Cheap alternative to Copics
Spectrum Noir
- Ink is replaceable
- Nibs are replaceable
- Good but ink seems a little less pigmented
- Easy to read text on the cap
- Hexagonal barrel and widest of all reviewed
- Dual Ended but no brush nib which is limiting
Spectrum Noir released their version of an alcohol marker with a brush tip called Spectrum Noir Illustrator Markers since Baylee did her review. They must have listened to the call of artists wishing there was a brush tip in the Spectrum Noir range 🙂 They come in 216 different colors and have a brush nib on one end and a super fine nib on the other.
If you do have the time to watch Baylee’s video is super informative and helpful.
Baylee also highly recommends Blick Studio Brush Markers as an excellent alternative to Copic Markers. She titled her video review as The Best Copic Dupe! She was blown away by how they performed, and although she didn’t have as many colors as the Copics she owns, she was still thrilled with the ink and how the brush tip worked.
See more in her video review.
Best Art Markers
Apart from Copic Markers and the alternatives mentioned above, there are even more best color pens available to artists.
Tombow Dual Tip Brush Marker Pens
These have a water-based, non-toxic, acid-free ink available in 96 different colors. As the name suggests, they have two different ends, a nylon brush tip on one end and a fine tip on the other. The flexible brush nib can produce thin to thick lines. The inks are not refillable, and the nibs are not replaceable.
Their blending capabilities are excellent, and you can produce a watercolor effect. It’s good to remember that the ink being water-based means they are not waterproof. So although you can get a watercolor effect, you don’t want actually to use water with them.
Artists love the effects they can create with this color pen.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonSpectrum Noir Illustrator Marker System
Spectrum Noir released a new version of their alcohol marker system. It has the Spectrum Noir Illustrator Marker System. (Spectrum Noir is made by Crafters Companion.)
They must have listened to all the artists who preferred a brush nib. These include a small fine tip nib on one end and the other end a brush nib.
They share the same 216 color range as the original Spectrum Noir Alcohol Marker System. The ink in these markers has up to 25% more than the original. The ink is refillable and the nibs replaceable.
The barrels have an ergonomic honeycomb design. They are thinner than the original hexagonal barrel design. These will lay flat on your table without rolling off.
The ink lays down beautifully with the brush nib and blending is a breeze. For more detailed, intricate areas, the small fine nib works very well. Like most alcohol markers they tend to bleed. So it’s best not to use them on any double-sided image pages, like a coloring book.
A comfortable marker to use for those with wrist injuries or arthritis. The blending capabilities are functional. It is important to note that for seamless blending the colors need to be from the same color family.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonChartpak
The large barrel of these markers holds quite a bit of ink, which is excellent if you are going to use them regularly. Available in 130 different colors with xylene based ink. Be aware that they will have a strong smell and users report that they tend to bleed.
Good blending properties, particularly with the Chartpak Blender Marker. There is only one tip available. However, it has been designed, so it’s like having three tips in one. Thus allowing you to create all manner of line thicknesses. As a bonus, the tips on the Chartpak Markers are replaceable.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonWinsor & Newton Promarker
Another alcohol-based marker. The Winsor & Newton Promarker, is easy to use and provided strong, vibrant colors. (Previously branded as the Letraset Promarker Twin-Tip.) A pack of 12 make a good choice for the beginner artist.
Windsor & Newton ProMarkers have a nib on each end of the big round shaped barrel. One end is a fine nib, great for accuracy and the other is a chisel nib. The chisel nib can be used to color in broad areas but also if you turn the chisel nib on its side, you can create finer lines.
The ink is not refillable, but the nibs are replaceable. With the marker having a larger barrel, there’s more ink inside. So the pen should last a while, even if you are using them to cover large areas.
The ink can be laid down quickly and smoothly, and the vibrancy of the color is an advantage. Going over the same area, with the same color will produce a darker color.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonPrismacolor Premier Art Markers
These are a popular brand among artists and come in a range of nib options. They contain alcohol based ink which is nontoxic. The brush tip is flexible, and the fine tip gives you the capability to produce detailed work. They come in a range of 196 colors.
The ink is not refillable, and the nibs are not replaceable which are some of the downsides.
A well-known brand that has been around for ages! They have certainly been a favorite with kids over the years. The ink is non-toxic, and they are washable. That means that they are not waterproof so don’t get water on your art.
With the kids in mind, Crayola markers don’t dry out with the caps off. A great economical choice and with a great range of colors, it won’t be just kids enjoying the fun. These are one of the best cheap art markers.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonWhat are Fabric Markers?
Quilters, Embroiders, crafters, and people who love to design their color work on craft projects/clothing have had great success with permanent fabric markers.
This type contains permanent colored ink that is specifically designed so that it does not wash out of fabric or clothing, or fade after numerous washes.
Some types of fabric markers are designed to be used in sewing where a temporary mark needs to be made. These are made with ink that will wash out.
The best permanent fabric markers come with various tips. From thin tips to thick brush-style tips.
Why use a fabric marker and not just a permanent marker?
Permanent markers are not explicitly designed for use on fabrics. Sure they may not wash out from cloth or clothing, but the colors you can get are limited.
The beauty of fabric markers is they can be used for coloring in sections of your design. You also have more control, plus you get a much better choice of colors.
Fabric Markers also work beautifully with stencils and rubber stamps.
Factors To Consider When Choosing Fabrics For Your Markers
Fabric Markers work best of materials/fabrics that are smooth. Materials that are rough or coarse where there are lumps and bumps will mean the effects you create with them will not be as successful.
It is always important to test a scrap bit of fabric or if using on a garment; test somewhere out of sight.
What Can Fabric Markers Be Used For?
– For colorful, creative designs on clothing
– To use with stencils and rubber stamps
– Great for tracing sewing patterns onto fleece
– Temporarily mark the placement of closures, darts, pockets, appliqués, stitching lines when sewing
– Adding creative designs to stabilized fabric for quilts
– Adding handwritten labels to clothing
– Lettering on fabric
– Use on wood and leather
How To Use Fabric Markers
Pre-wash your fabric first.
Make sure you have a test piece of fabric or test somewhere out of sight.
Take marker you are going to use and give it a little shake.
Place a piece of cardboard underneath the fabric you will be working on. This to provide you with something firmer to work on. It will stop the marker from affecting anything underneath.
Apply the marker directly on the fabric.
A good tip to use is to draw your lines in a steady way. With the tip of the marker staying too long in one spot on the fabric, may lead to color bleeding. Plan out your design first, and this will make it easier.
Create your design and then once finished let the fabric dry for 24 hours.
What Can Different Marker Tips Do?
Use a fine an ultra-fine tip for detailed designs and fine accents.
Fine bullet tip is excellent for writing and creating doodles or detailed work.
Brush tips work well for coloring in; medium sized lines and stenciling.
Chisel tips make large sized lines and work well for big designs requiring lots of coloring in.
Exciting Effects You Can Create Using Fabric Markers
Create watercolor effects by brushing water on to the fabric and then applying the marker.
Or after adding color to fabric, brush with water before the color has dried.
While color is still wet, other colors can be added to blend, shade and create a new color.
Caring For Your Fabric Marker Designs
Wash in warm water on a gentle cycle with a mild soap. Don’t add fabric softener.
Line dry, don’t dry clean.
What Are The Best Fabric Markers?
Crafters swear by the following brands:
Tulip Fabric Markers
What’s to like:
- Permanent ink fabric markers with a fine tip and brush tip
- Vibrant colors
- Solid coverage with the brush tips.
- Perfect for writing on quilt labels.
What’s not to like:
Tips are not suitable for young children as they tend to be more heavy handed when coloring
If using a loose weave fabric you will need to pull it taught or stiffen it before using the extra fine tips.
Tee Juice Markers by Jacard
What’s to like:
- Great for kids
- Non toxic
- After setting with an iron it is washable
- Can use on a variety of different fabrics
What’s not to like:
Deciding which of the 3 tip sizes you want to use.
Sharpie Stained Fabric Markers
What’s to like:
- 8 different colors
- Brush tips
- Ink has been developed to resist fading when washed.
What’s not to like:
They can bleed, so be sure to place something between the fabric and the surface you are using.
All About Dry Erase Markers
What Are Dry Erase Markers?
Dry Erase Markers or Whiteboard Markers are those used on whiteboards.
They are a tool used by people all around the world to inform, communicate, plan, brainstorm and teach.
They typically have a thick barrel and a bullet tip or chisel tip for making text easier to read. They come in a variety of colors, and some have fewer odors than others.
Factors To Consider In The Best Dry Erase Markers
Will it be long lasting?
There is nothing more frustrating than going to a whiteboard ready to write and finding that the dry erase marker is dried out!!
Investing in a quality marker that is perhaps a little more expensive than one found in a dollar store is worth it. A credible name brand marker’s ink lasts typically longer.
What kind of board are you using?
Whiteboards are common and gaining in popularity are glass boards. Cheaper brands of dry erase markers with lots of use can sometimes leave a stain behind on a whiteboard. If using glass boards using a specific glass board maker may be the go.
Let’s face it; you do not want to be affected by the smell of your marker when giving a presentation. Choose pens that offer low odor ink.
Ease of Cleaning
The last you will feel like doing at the end of a presentation or lesson is spending ages cleaning. Choose the ones that are easy to erase without leaving a stain behind.
Variety of Colors
The traditional blue, green, black and red all have their purpose. But to add interest and vitality other colors can be called upon. Dry Erase markers are made in different colors and even neon!
How does it feel in your hand?
Dry Erase markers come in different sizes, shapes, and weights. How comfortable a marker is to use is an extremely personal choice.
Consider the Environment – is the marker refillable?
Some marker brands are refillable. This is an essential factor when you think about refilling a plastic marker instead of throwing it away.
What Surfaces Can Dry Erase Markers Be Used On?
Dry erase markers can be used on most non-porous materials, like whiteboards, porcelain, melamine, and glass.
What Marker Tips Are Available?
Most commonly found tip is a Bullet tip. This produces a stroke width of 2-3mm which is easy to read and can be used to create simple drawings.
Next is the Chisel tip. It can create three types of strokes from thin, medium to thick. The range is from 2-5mm
Thirdly a Fine Tip or Extra Fine Tip that is normally bullet shaped. These produce 1mm strokes.
Best Dry Erase Markers
Here are some of the top recommended brands:
What’s to like:
- Vibrant color
- Good ink flow
- Good felt tips
- Budget friendly
What’s not to like:
- Not refillable
- Strong odor
What’s to like:
- Excellent plastic boxes for sets
- Feels comfortable in the hand
What’s not to like:
- Really strong odor
- Quality of tip is not as good
- Pale colors, black is not very intense
What’s to like:
- Excellent tip quality
- Vibrant colors
- Good ink flow
- Refillable
What’s not to like:
- For some people the smell could be too strong
- May not be as comfortable to use
What’s to like:
- Pump action
- Great range of colors
- Good ink flow
What’s not to like:
- Not refillable
- Can feel a little uncomfortable in the hand
- Strong odor
- Not as budget friendly
What’s to like:
- Vibrant colors
- Good ink flow
- Budget friendly
- Quick drying
What’s not to like:
- Pale colors
What Are The Best All-round Markers For Adult Coloring Books?
Adult Coloring Books indeed became extremely popular in recent years. As mindfulness and art therapy gained traction, coloring books were aligned with the benefits those practices give. Pocket Mindfulness talks about the 10 Big Benefits of Adult Coloring including:
– Relieves stress
– Exercises the Mind
– A Creative Meditation
– Replace patterns of negative thinking
– Self Soothing
– Reduces social anxiety
– Low-pressure activity
– Builds mental strength
– An easy way to relax and have fun
The benefits are all well and good. If you don’t have the right coloring tools, the experience could be somewhat less fun and relaxing!
No-one likes markers bleeding through the paper. Not to mention ruining other pages or the paper pilling.
That’s why we created our guide to the best all-round markers for adult coloring books. It provides you with all you need to know to have a fabulous coloring experience.
Best Brush Tip Markers For Adult Coloring In Books That Don’t Bleed Through The Paper.
Often adult coloring books have designs on both sides of the page. With that in mind, you need a marker that won’t bleed through to the other side.
Adult coloring experts have found that the Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens don’t bleed.
In ColoringKaria’s Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens review, she demonstrates how these pens don’t bleed through. You’ll need to jump to spot 8:37 in her video.
The ink used in these markers is permanent pigmented India ink. They are water resistant and have high light resistance. The beauty is when the ink has dried it is smudge proof and waterproof.
The whole point of coloring in apart from being creative is to relax. No-one wants to be overstimulated by strong odors coming from their marker! The good news with these is they are odorless.
There is a range of colored sets for Faber Castel Pitt Artist Pens. From individual pens to sets of 6, 12, 24, 48, 60 and 90 markers.
We’ve featured the set of 24 which gives you a lovely variety of colors and would make a great starter set.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonAnother advantage is they have the same color names as Faber Castel Polychromos Colored Pencils. So, if you are fond of working with both markers and colored pencils. These would be the perfect combination.
Best Fine Line Markers That Don’t Bleed Through Paper
Being able to add finer lines or color in small, intricate details is essential in some Adult Coloring Book designs. Again if the book pages are published with designs on both sides of the pages. You don’t want the colors to bleed through.
Longtime coloring in artists recommends Stadeler Triplus Fineliner pens.
A gorgeous range of bright and vibrant colors including six neon colors in the pack of 36. They contain acid-free ink. If you accidentally leave off the caps after use, they do not dry out. In saying this, it is always recommended to replace any markers lid to ensure their long life.
Also highly praised by users are the Stabilo Ultra Fine Point Liners. A wide variety of colors in the 30 color set with very minimal bleed through. Some users experience no bleed through. They put it down to the fact others press more firmly down with their marker. Made with water-based ink. These also can survive the caps being left off without immediately drying out.
High-Grade Artist Markers for Adult Coloring Books
As a part of this mega guide to markers, we’ve featured the Rolls Royce of the Artist Markers world above. We are speaking of Copic Markers which are often the choice for creating exquisite artwork. Yes, they are expensive and the top of the range but with good reason. The blending capabilities are extraordinary.
They are also refillable, and the nibs are replaceable. They are worth the investment if you plan to dedicate your time and creative energies to producing stunning colored in designs. A colorist’s dream to have all 358 colors!!
Prismacolor Art Markers
No products found.Like Copics, these contain alcohol based ink but don’t have the features of refillable inks or replaceable nibs. The color range is less than Copics with only 200 colors. Copics full range is 358 different colors. Many colorists swear by them and find these markers more affordable.
No products found.Copics Vs. Prismacolor
For a comprehensive look at Copics Vs. Prismacolor, Becca at Nattosoup Art and Process covers a huge amount of testing of the two markers.
Kuretake – Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pen
These markers are a popular choice for coloring enthusiasts. They are made with water-based ink, and the brush tip is made up of individual bristles. The bristle tip feels different to other markers. They are excellent for creating detail and watercolor effects. They blend well and have bright color options. Nibs come in a range of options. Users are thrilled with the fact that they don’t bleed and the ink dries quickly. The ink is not refillable, but most people find that these markers last a long time.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonJennifer McGuire Ink has an excellent video review of the Zig Real Brush Pen.
And her subsequent follow-up video to answer all the questions she received about the first Zig Real Brush Pen review video.
Sakura Gelly Roll Gel Pens
People who love to color in are in love with these Gel pens as they easy on the hands and don’t skip or dry up. There are many packs available.
In the video below, Jennifer from Sea Lemon reviews the Sakura Gelly Roll Gel Pens and shows the effect from the different varieties that come in the set of 74.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonThey contain 14 Metallic pens of 0.4mm, 17 Classic pens of 0.3 & 0.4mm. Also 20 Moonlight pens of 0.3 & 0.5mm, 13 Stardust pens of 0.5mm, 10 Shadow pens of 0.7mm.
Jennifer demonstrates each of these types in a similar magenta color. Skip to 5:55 in the video or if you prefer, I’ve summarized what she discovers below.
Stardust leaves a slight, shimmer/glitter effect on top of the pink color
Metallic has a shimmery effect but is a little more purple
Gold Shadow starts quite dark but when it drys, the purple color is the shadow, and the primary color is gold.
Silver Shadow starts quite dark. But like the Gold Shadow, the purple color is the shadow, and the main color is silver.
Moonlight 10, this is Jennifer’s favorite pen as it is opaque.
Classic 08, it looks similar to the Moonlight but is more transparent and redder in color.
Classic 06, same color as the 08 but in a smaller point size.
These pens are available in smaller sets also some fabulous tips on how to store these Gel Pens.
Markers/Pens for Coloring In On An Economical Budget
Pentel Color Pen Set of 36
These pens have water-based ink, and the fiber tip is made of durable material. The snug fitting cap clicks on to make sure the pens don’t dry out when not in use. The colors are vibrant, but some users reported the darker colors tend to bleed.
As with all markers, it is essential to create your color chart as the colors shown in the casings are not always true to what the ink color is.
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Papermate Flair Fine Tipped Markers
This set contains the basic colors you will enjoy using in your coloring artwork. Good for small areas and intricate designs. The water-based ink is quick drying, and most users have found it doesn’t bleed too much.
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Bic Mark-It Fine Point Permanent Markers
Designed with a soft rubber grip, these permanent markers are a great choice for your coloring projects. Low odor and good for fine details and intricate areas. The set of 36 colors are vibrant and fun. Be prepared for bleeding and always have a scrap piece of paper to test. No good for coloring books that have designs on both sides.
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Sharpie Markers
These are very popular for people on a tight budget. They are a well-known brand and produce many varieties of markers. These markers bleed a lot, and for some coloring projects, this can be an advantage. For example when you want to color large areas, going just inside the lines, allowing the ink bleed out to the edges of the area you are coloring. This ensures that the ink won’t bleed into adjoining areas.
More intricate designs with lots of small areas would be harder to color with these markers. Also, note they do not blend.
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What Are The Best Markers For Mandalas?
In the artistic world of Adult Coloring Books, Mandala designs are plentiful and often very intricate. Some coloring book designers create whole books dedicated only to Mandalas. So for those of you who don’t know what a Mandala is, they are intricate repeating patterns found mostly in circular shape. Many people find coloring in Mandalas very relaxing.
The best markers for coloring mandalas can be found above, in the best markers for Adult Coloring Books.
Final notes about best markers for Adult Coloring In Books…
Coloring is meant to bring pleasure and fun. Whichever markers you choose to use, they each will have slightly different qualities. Have fun testing them out and enjoy the coloring experience!
What are The Best Paint Marker Pens For Different Art Mediums?
Paint markers have a range of uses. From creating menu boards, signs, to street art, and marking glass. Not to mention fabric, wood, added to photographs and of course paper. Unlike other markers that contain ink. These are filled with usually with oil-based paint.
Once dry the surface of the writing or designs made by these types of markers are textural and raised slightly. Depending on which surface you are going to use them on. We’ve got some suggestions for the best paint markers each.
For Signs
Looking to create a stunning looking sign that’s sure to attract the attention of your audience? Uni Posca Markers – Medium has a lovely range of colors, they are easy to control and have an opaque finish. If you want your beautiful hand lettering to stand out, then these markers are for you.
Some considerations to note – these markers take a longer time to dry, but the paint will stay for a long time and remain vibrant. To remove the designs/lettering from nonporous surfaces, use water or household cleaners.
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Another option is the Pilot Juice Paint Markers. The inclusion of Juice in its name gives you an idea of what sort of result you will get using these markers.
A popular choice for creating bold and eye-catching designs, due to the opaque vibrancy of the ink. As they are fast drying and not permanent on non-porous surfaces means it is easy to remove.
No products found. No products found.For Photographs
Adding some text or embellishments with paint markers can add that special something to your albums of printed out photographs. The Sakura Pen-Touch Paint Markers works well with glossy pictures.
Due to its quick drying quality, the worry of smearing is gone. These markers are tough to remove once applied. You need to be quite sure of what designs and lettering you will place on your photos.
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If you have made a mistake, a good tip is to use a cotton swab dabbed in a little coconut oil to remove the paint without damaging a glossy photo.
Sharpie Oil-Based Paint Markers can jazz up your photos due to their vibrant colors and the sheen finish. Water and fade resistant, the designs and lettering you’ve created with these markers will last.
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For Fabric
Who doesn’t love a unique, colorful, artsy designed T-shirt, hat or shoes? Get creative and go wild with your designs on fabric with Sakura My Name Fabric Markers. These highly pigmented markers produce a textured finish that stands out and is similar to the result of screen printing.
The great news is that when you wash your creations, the designs won’t fade or wash out. These have a strong odor so be sure to be in a well-ventilated area.
Another good option for fabrics are the Derwent Graphik Line Painters. Once dry the finish is like opaque nail polish and is intense in color. Create effects such as edgy dribbles, splatters, and crisp lines. These markers have great lightfastness meaning they won’t discolor when exposed to light. Easy to control but be aware of random gushes of paint on hard surfaces.
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Glass Home Goods
Paint markers have a wide range of uses, and that includes writing on glass products used in the home. Think of the fun you could have jazzing up your windows during special holidays, or your kitchen glass door cabinets. Great for labeling your glass bottles with your essential oil blends.
Your guests will not lose track of their drink glasses at parties with their personalized glass! Sharpie Water-Based Paint Markers are fade resistant but will easily come off without too much hard work.
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The Epoch Kobaru Wet Surface Paint Markers are another great option for glass. These markers have a semi-opaque, gel finish and can only be removed with oil. They have a strong odor so much sure you are in a well-ventilated area when using them.
The thing with using some paint markers, they can tear up your paper. You don’t want that! Derwent Graphik Line Painters have smooth tips that users have found don’t tear up paper. The beauty of these markers is that you can create different effects using a brush while the paint is still wet. Once dry your designs will be permanent and waterproof.
In addition to their vibrant colors, Derwent Graphik Line Painters possess smooth tips that will not tear your paper. Add details and texture to the paint by blending it with a brush while it is still wet. Once completely dry, the ink is permanent, waterproof, and suitable for layering.
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Uni Posca Paint Markers PC-1M – Extra Fine Point is a great choice for adding detail to illustrations and are easy to control. Be aware that they do produce feedback.
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Street Art
Krink K-60 Paint Markers have been around since the 90s and were first seen in the streets of San Francisco. Those artists keen to create a drippy effect on their tags got exactly this result from using this product. The paint is permanent and highly pigmented.
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Molotow ONE4ALL Acrylic Paint Markers are designed to be long-lasting and engineered in Germany to have consistent delivery with every stroke.
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Safety issues to be aware of with paint markers
As mentioned above some paint markers have strong odors. It is important with any strong smelling products to always use them in well-ventilated areas.
What Are The Best Markers For Canvas?
The best markers for canvas are not ink pens because it’s hard to get smooth lines and the ink can bleed.
Also, with canvas being a rough texture, the felt nibs of ink pens can be damaged. Artists suggest that you can have great success with fabric markers and paint markers for creating marker art on canvas.
Try Canvas craft projects such as hand lettering quotes, unique and original designs on canvas shoes and hats. Bold statement art using paint markers that stand out.
What Are The Best Brush Pens For Your Crafty Projects?
Brush Pens are a combination of having a marker and a paintbrush in one. The tip is a brush, and the body of the pen can hold ink. No need for having separate brushes and bottles of ink. Perfect for hand lettering, design, coloring books, doodling, and calligraphy.
There is a wide range available, and they differ depending on their tip types, firmness, fineness, flexibility, ink flow, and pigmentation.
Best Brush Pens For For Beginners
Choose a Brush Pen with a firm felt tip as they are easier to control. Some great options are
Pentel Fude Touch Sign Pen – Black, Gray, and multiple colored Inks
12 different colors are available, and the ink is made of vibrant water-based dye. Has a flexible brush tip and is great for small writing in lettering, calligraphy, and any craft projects where you need a felt tip marker.
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Sharisse from Pieces Calligraphy demonstrates this brush pen in her video
Pilot Futayaku Double-Sided Brush Pen – Black/Gray Ink
The Pilot Futayaku is a twin tipped brush pen that features two colors- black and gray. Both tips are hard, one is fine and the other medium. The medium brush tip is more flexible than the fine. The brush strokes are uniform, regardless of the ink color.
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Tombow Dual Brush Pens – Black and multiple colors available
These are water-based ink markers and don’t smell strong and acid-free. One end has a fine tip great for intricate work and a large brush tip. The large brush tip allows you to create really fine lines and thick lines if you use the whole brush tip. Perfect for Bullet Journaling planning, calligraphy, hand lettering and watercolor.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonSharpie Brush Pens – Black Multiple Colored Ink
These are an economical choice and have bright colors. Great for lettering and Bullet Journaling. The brush tips are spongey. Good option for those starting out who have unsteady hands. Users have reported that the ink runs out quickly and they bleed, so make sure you have something underneath your work.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonPrismacolor Premier Brush Marker Black and Multiple colors
These have a felt tip which is long and comes to a fine point and shaped like a paintbrush. The tip is flexible and allows you to achieve thin and thick lines. The barrels are almost pencil thin. With water-based ink in 8 colors, these are suitable for lettering.
Click to Learn More/Buy from AmazonWhat Are The Best Chalk Markers For Your Craft Projects?
For crafters, having chalk markers in their toolkit means they can create a whole variety of crafty projects. Chalk markers are an excellent way to get the ‘look’ of chalk but without the dusty residue. Great for using on Chalk Board vinyl labels, scrapbooking, event signs, on walls, windows, kitchen cabinets, garden pots and pantry jars.
We have the best liquid chalk marker suggestions that are non-toxic, easy to write with and erase easily. You will be super keen to take on crafty projects with these chalk markers.
What Makes A Great Liquid Chalk Marker?
With all the ideas you can use chalk markers for as we mentioned above, you’ll want a chalk marker that can be used on as many surfaces as possible.
If you love color, then having a set of chalk markers with vibrant colors, perhaps even neon will be a fabulous choice.
Perhaps you will make a mistake in your chalk marker design and want to be able to erase it. Alternatively, you want to change the words on a sign. No-one wants to be scrubbing for a long time and perhaps damaging the surface where you’ve used the chalk marker as a result. Choose chalk markers that are easy to get off.
Creating bold lines or thin lines in your lettering and designs can be achieved with different tips. Reversible tips with bullet and chisel options are a feature of some of the markers we recommend below.
Chalk Ink 6mm Chisel Tip Chalk Markers
Available in packs and individually, they are made with safe, non-toxic ink. The colored versions are bright and vibrant.
– They work best on non-porous surfaces like glass, metals, chalk labels, and whiteboards.
– The markers have a chiseled tip for creating different lettering styles ranging from thin to thick.
– The colors can be combined and blended while wet.
– The “wet wipe” version will erase using a damp cloth.
Something to be aware of these chalk markers is not recommended for wooden chalkboard you did yourself with chalkboard paint. It could harm the surface since wood is porous.
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Marvy Uchida 6mm Bistro Chalk Markers
With a pack of 4 markers in each, the colors are bright and vibrant.
- They are non-toxic and water-based.
- Use on Chalk Boards; dry erase boards, light boards, windows and windshields
- Easy to remove with a damp cloth
Super Chalks 4mm Reverse Tip Chalk Makers
Includes eight markers, one of which is white, they are odorless and non-toxic.
– They can be used on chalk labels, mirrors, and glass.
– Bright and vibrant colors
– Not suitable for Chalk Boards or DIYed chalkboards using chalkboard paint
– Easy to erase with a damp cloth
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Crafty Croc Liquid Chalk Markers
A great option if you are looking for lots of colors in one pack, this is an 18 marker set, including white.
– They have a reversible tip, one end chisel, and the other bullet.
– Can be used on Chalkboard Stickers, Chalkboard Contact Paper, Glass, Tile, Plastic, Metal, Whiteboards, Card, Message boards and Non-Porous Surfaces.
– Not suitable for blackboards or use on DIYed projects using Blackboard paint as these surfaces are considered porous.
– easy to erase with a damp cloth.
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Lindsay at The Frugal Crafter shares her artistic talents when using these markers in the video below.
VersaChalk Chalkboard Chalk Markers
Available in either packs of 10 Neon Colors or Classic Colors the water-based ink is high quality and completely non-toxic.
– Works well on glass, plastic, metal, ceramics, whiteboards, and chalkboards made from porcelain, slate, and plastic.
– Not recommended for use with chalkboard paint
– Easy to erase with a damp cloth
– Extra durable tips that are reversible, one end a bullet tip and the other a chisel tip
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What Are The Best Watercolor Markers?
Amazing watercolor effects can be created by using water-based ink markers/brush pens. Create beautiful backgrounds, sketching, and lettering in your craft projects. Here are some of the best watercolor markers out there.
Two bristle tip markers recommendations are the Akashiya Sai Watercolor Brush Pens and Kuretake Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pens. Their bristle tips mimic a paintbrush, and you can achieve a dry brush effect. The color range is more limited with the Kuretake Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pens. The Akashiya Sai Watercolor Brush Pens come in 20 different vibrant colors.
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Royal Talens Ecoline Watercolor Brush Pens have a larger barrel and may remind you more of the markers you used as a kid! They have highly water-soluble based ink and a felt tip which produces thick and thin lines. The tips are reversible, so when one end starts to wear, you can switch over. They are available in 59 different colors.
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Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers are professional grade, with pigmented ink similar to traditional watercolors. With dual tips, one end has a bullet tip, and the other is a large brush tip. Achieving thin and thick juicy lines are made easy.
Gee Massam Art has a beautiful video on creating a Pink Water Lily with these markers.
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Tombow Dual Brush Pens produce very similar effects to the Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers. Although not marketed as a watercolor marker they achieve a watercolor effect with the use of the colorless blender. These also have dual tips, one being a fine bullet tip and a soft felt tip.
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Spectrum Aqua Markers create watercolor effects, and when used with a water-filled brush pen, they can create beautiful designs. They contain high-quality water-based ink. One end has a very fine tip; the other is a felt brush tip.
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CrownArt Dual Tip Brush Pens have one 2mm brush tip and a 0.8mm fine tip. They have a water-based ink and are great for journaling and backgrounds.
Prismacolor Set of 12 Premier Double-Ended Art Markers, Brush Tip, and Fine Tip. Again not traditional watercolor markers, the effects achieved with these is akin to watercolor. The ink is alcohol based and has excellent blending abilities
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Watercolor Marker Comparison
Although Judy Winsor’s Home of the Wildly Passionate Creative blog is no longer available, her wonderful comparison video of watercolor markers on her Youtube channel is still available to learn from. In the video, she compares the Tombow, Letraset, Bienfang, Winsor & Newton, Kuretake Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pens, Akashiya, and Spectrum Aqua watercolor marker products on watercolor paper. See how they perform in her various tests.
Best Felt Tip Markers And Their Uses
What are the best felt tip markers out there? It depends on what you are going to use them for. They are suited to some uses such as Drawing, Note-Taking, Coloring, Labeling and Hand Lettering.
With two types of tip materials, a spongy, fibrous one and a plastic one in a small metal cylinder. The plastic nib is suited to writing and detailed drawing. The spongy, fibrous nib is great for creating fine or thick lines and is great for coloring. Drawing with the plastic tips means you can create fine lines and intricate details. Thick strokes can be achieved with the spongy felt tips by using the side of the tip.
Nib sizes come in fine, medium and broad.
Most of the inks contained in felt tip markers are water-based or pigmented.
Some of the best felt tip markers for different uses are listed below:
When drawing with felt tip markers, Artists highly recommend two brands, the Sakura Pigma Micron Pen and the Staedtler Triplus Fineliner Pen. Both these pens have ink that comes out easily and dries quickly. Fine and intricate lines can be achieved with both, and they come in a range of colors.
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Note Taking
When taking notes, it’s essential to have pens that have fast drying ink. This prevents smudging. Two such pens that come highly recommended are Marvy Le Pen Marker Pen and the Paper Mate Flair Felt Tip Pen. Both brands come in a range of bright colors.
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The brands of choice for all your Adult Coloring Book coloring are the Stabilo Point 88 Marker and Pilot FriXion Colors Erasable Marker. The beauty of the Pilots are the ink is erasable so going over lines is fixable. The Stabilos come in 47 colors which any colorist will love.
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When labeling you want markers that will be able to be used on a range of surfaces, such as adhesive labels, glass and metal, and fabric. Two such brands are the Sharpie Permanent Marker – Standard Colors – Ultra Fine and the Zebra Mackee Care Double-Sided Marker Pen.
Hand Lettering
Have fun creating beautiful hand lettering with these recommended brands – Stabilo Pen 68 Marker and the Pentel Sign Pen. They both have spongy tips allowing for all sorts of effects for the letters you create. Available in a range of colors sure to brighten your crafting projects.
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Children’s Pens – What Are The Best Markers For Kids?
Kids get messy when they get creative! So when finding the best markers for kids, you will want children’s pens easy to remove from skin and clothing, non-toxic and odorless. You want kids to be able to handle them with some control.
Crayola Markers are a favorite with many kids. Available in a large range of bright colors, kids will delight in creating colorful and fun drawing projects. Crayola markers also have a metallic range.
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Faber Castell is also a well-known brand for making markers with kids in mind. Faber Castell pens come in many shades, and children adore the connector pen sets from Faber-Castell. They have sturdy nibs and have washable, water-based ink.
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Sargent Fine Tip Markers are a good choice for kids. Available in 50 colors, their fine tips enables children to draw finer lines. These markers are nontoxic and can wash out of most fabrics with soap and water.
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Sharpies are also a great choice for vibrant colors and metallic options. They work on lots of surfaces such as leaves, pumpkins for Halloween and rocks. How many kids go through having a Pet Rock?
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Gel Pens and Glitter Pens are a favorite with kids adding something special to their artwork. Sakura makes some fantastic gel pens. Flair Glitter Pens are a good choice for adding a gorgeous sparkle.
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