Craft Knowledge Comes But Wisdom Lingers

By Jodie Morgan

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There is so much we can learn about our chosen crafts and so many willing to teach us. We have more ability to access knowledge from around the world than ever before! It is the knowledge that we retain that builds our wisdom. As always our aim is to help inspire you in craft, enjoy what’s on offer this week… Please share and make Mondays fun, get our craft inspiration delivered to your inbox - #knitting #crochet #crafts #DIY #Sewing

There is so much we can learn about our chosen crafts and so many willing to teach us.

We have more ability to access knowledge from around the world than ever before!

The knowledge that we gain is certainly important but wisdom is powerful.

It is the knowledge that we retain that builds our wisdom.

Love to hear your thoughts on this.

As always our aim is to help inspire you in craft, enjoy what’s on offer this week…

Crochet Afghan Square Sand Pebbles Pattern (free)

Crochet Afghan Square Sand Pebbles Pattern (free). Inspired by Sand and Pebbles, the use of popcorn stitch recreates the look of pebbles. Follow the free crochet pattern at Sustain My Craft Habit. Please share. You will always look forward to Mondays, with our craft inspiration roundups #crochet #freecrochetpattern #crochetafghan

Inspired by Sand and  Pebbles, the use of popcorn stitch recreates the look of pebbles.

Follow the free crochet  pattern at Sustain My Craft Habit

DIY Rainbow Wall Hooks

DIY Rainbow Wall Hooks. Rainbows still bring a smile to my face when I see one in nature. Bring that joy into a room with this DIY Rainbow Wall Hook. Another clever way to use up colored yarn scraps. Follow Kara’s tutorial on A Kailo Chic Life. Please share. Join now for creative craft inspiration. The best in craft delivered to your inbox every Monday - #DIY #Craft #Homedecor

Rainbows still bring a smile to my face when I see one in nature.

Bring that joy into a room with this DIY Rainbow Wall Hook.

Another clever way to use up colored yarn scraps.

Follow Kara’s tutorial on A Kailo Chic Life.

A Shawl Of A New Shape

Michele of Stitch and Hustle shares her design journey of her new crochet shawl collection.

Inspired by the architecture of New York City.

Michele says this “Inspired by that Urban Landscape and NYC heart, this collection takes a path way beyond the traditional triangle shawl.

I have taken twists and turns in construction and shape as well as materials, color work and texture.”

Thrifty Craft – Cocktail Umbrellas Door Wreaths

Thrifty Craft - Cocktail Umbrellas Door Wreaths. Bringing summer to your door with this super easy and quick wreath. Even creator Heather said she couldn’t believe her own laziness!! I guess meaning it didn’t take much to create :) Just adds a little fun to your home. Please share. The best in craft delivered to your inbox every Monday - #DIY #Thrifty #Craft

Bringing summer to your door with this super easy and quick wreath.

Even creator Heather said she couldn’t believe her own laziness!!

I guess meaning it didn’t take much to create 🙂

Just adds a little fun to your home.

Paper Mache Cactus Vase

Paper Mache Cactus Vase. Wow! Paper Mache :) Something I haven’t attempted for a very long time. When I saw this DIY Paper Mache Cactus Vase, I needed to share it with you all. It’s just gorgeous. Follow Corrie Beth’s tutorial in her post on The Apple Of My DIY. Please share. Look forward to Mondays with our craft inspiration newsletter. Crafty goodness delivered to your inbox - #DIY #homedecor #papercraft

Wow! Paper Mache 🙂

Something I haven’t attempted for a very long time.

When I saw this DIY Paper Mache Cactus Vase, I needed to share it with you all.

It’s just gorgeous.

Follow Corrie Beth’s tutorial in her post on The Apple Of My DIY.

How To Sew A French Seam – Tutorial

How To Sew A French Seam - Tutorial. A clever way to have neat seams in your sewing. Damjana from Apple Green Cottage has a clear and easy to understand step by step sewing tutorial. Please share. Sign up to our craft inspiration roundup newsletter and make Mondays more manageable. Fabulous Crafty ideas and projects delivered to your inbox - #sewing #sewingtips #sew

A clever way to have neat seams in your sewing.

Damjana from Apple Green Cottage has a clear and easy to understand step by step sewing tutorial.

How To Make a Stuffed Toy From Your Child’s Drawing – Needle Felting

How To Make a Stuffed Toy From Your Child’s Drawing - Needle Felting. This is a lovely way to create a toy from your own child’s drawing. Adventure In A Box shows you how using needle felting techniques. Please share and make Mondays fun, get our craft inspiration delivered to your inbox - #felting #needlecraft #DIY

This is a lovely way to create a toy from your own child’s drawing.

Adventure In A Box shows you how using needle felting techniques

8 Clear and Easy Videos To Learn How To Knit Lace

8 Clear and Easy Videos To Learn How To Knit Lace. Last week I shared Jen Arnall - Culliford’s tutorial on ‘tinking’ in knitting. I found this week that it was part of a series! Mason and Dixon Knitting have published a post that gives the links to all 8 tutorials. I great resource for those of us wish to learn more about lace knitting. Great for beginners and more advanced knitters who could learn something new :) Please share and make Mondays fun, get our craft inspiration delivered to your inbox - #knitting #knitting_guru #knitting_tutorials

Last week I shared Jen Arnall – Culliford’s tutorial on ‘tinking’ in knitting.

I found this week that it was part of a series!

Mason and Dixon Knitting have published a post that gives the links to all 8 tutorials.

A great resource for those of us wish to learn more about lace knitting.

Great for beginners and more advanced knitters who could learn something new 🙂

How To Survive a Knitting Slump

How To Survive a Knitting Slump. There are times in our lives when we just lose enthusiasm for our craft passion. Nikki has some interesting and helpful suggestions to get of a knitting slump. Please share. You will always look forward to Mondays, with our craft inspiration roundups #knitting #knit #knittingtips

There are times in our lives when we just lose enthusiasm for our craft passion.

Nikki from Know It All Nikki has some interesting and helpful suggestions to get out of a knitting slump.

Cute Jute Crocheted Circle Purse – Free Pattern

Cute Jute Crocheted Circle Purse - Free Pattern. A very cool looking purse and something you can create yourself! Follow the tutorial and free crochet pattern on Meg Made With Love. Please share. Join now for creative craft inspiration. The best in craft delivered to your inbox every Monday - #fashion #crochet #bags

A very cool looking purse and something you can create yourself!

Follow the tutorial and free crochet pattern on Meg Made With Love.

This article features 10 fabulous crafting projects to make. Particularly beneficial for those of us who love to make and are looking for inspiration. Whether you knit, crochet, sew, or embroider. There's something to get your creative juices flowing. -- Repin this and click through to read about these 10 great craft projects. Make Mondays fun, get our craft inspiration delivered to your inbox - #knitting #crocheting #sewing #DIY #crafts

Editor’s note: Our readers have said, in their free time, they love going back over previous editions of our roundups.
– So we’ve kept the crafty goodness below from this time last year.

10 Ways to Get Your Sewing Mojo Back!

Sew Delicious 10 ways to get your sewing mojo back.Please share and make Mondays fun, get our craft inspiration delivered to your inbox -

Do you have times when you’ve lost your creative mojo for sewing or any craft for that matter?

Ros from Sew Delicious has 10 great ways to get your creative juices flowing again.

Inara Knitted Wrap

Craftsmumship Wrap. Please share. You will always look forward to Mondays, with our craft inspiration roundups

Knitted wraps are fabulous and varied. With Fall just around the corner, they make a wonderful accessory for adding a layer.

Lorelei at Craftsmumship made this gorgeous knitted wrap design by Australian knitwear designer; Ambah O’Brien.

It looks stunning 🙂

Pan-san The Panda Amigurumi Pattern

Pan-san Panda Amigurumi Free Pattern by Mei Li Lee. Please share. Join now for creative craft inspiration. The best in craft delivered to your inbox every Monday -

You’ve got to love amigurumi.

The creations that passionate designers make are adorable.

This free pattern by Mei Li Lee is just one of the wonderful characters she has created.

How To Make A Quilt Into A Quillow

Making-a-Quilt-into-a-Quillow Cluck Cluck Sew. Please share. Make Mondays more manageable and sign up for our craft inspiration newsletter. Delivered to your inbox -

To be honest I’ve never heard of a Quillow but when I came across this post by Allison at Cluck Cluck Sew, it had me intrigued.

Makes perfect sense and such a great idea 🙂

Prairie Schooler Cross Stitch

Stitching In A Dream Prairie Schooler Cross Stitch

Carol from Stitching Dreams has recently finished a Prairie Schooler Cross Stitch that is gorgeous.

Plenty of cross stitching inspiration to be found on her blog.

Learn How To Create The Brick Stitch

Catrinas Craft Blog tutorial on the Brick Stitch in Embroidery. Please share. The best in craft delivered to your inbox every Monday -

A very nice stitch to have in your understanding of embroidery stitches.

It is a great fill stitch and it feels raised.

It is not a difficult stitch and Carina from Carina’s Craft Blog will show you how in her tutorial.

Recent Knitting News…

Smart Museum Exhibition Crowd-Sources Blankets For Art-Based Activism

This article features a project from designer and artist Jayna Zweiman (one of the co-founders of the Pussyhat Project) that recasts the roughly 2,000-mile distance of the proposed border wall between the United States and Mexico into handmade blankets. Read more here

Hope you enjoyed this week’s craft inspiration roundup.

Please share any projects you have on the go, via the comment section below.

Or via our contact page, on Twitter | Facebook

Yours in Craftiness Jodie

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